WEDDINGs (packages)

WEDDING PACKAGE  A - 7,000 pesos

1. event planning
*facilitate entourage at church.
*facilitate recption program
*coordinates with the caterer regarding physical arrangements
* 1 song number at churh and 1 song number at reception

2. 24 pieces customized wedding invites ( SET A)
2. 12 pieces card invites
3. 36 pieces giveawys ( SET A)
4. 12 pieces misallete
5. 3 tier themed wedding cake

-Add ons-
giveaways- 40 pesos each
invites- 35 pesos each
card invites- 6 pesos each
misallete- 30 pesos each

WEDDING PACKAGE  B -  8,000 pesos

1. event planning
*facilitate entourage at church
*facilitate recption program
*coordinates with the caterer regarding physical arrangements
* 1 song number at churh and 1 song number at reception

2. 24 pieces customized wedding invites ( SET B)
3. 12 pieces card invites
4. 36 pieces giveawys ( SET B)
5. 12 pieces misallete
6. 3 tier themed wedding cake

-Add ons-
giveaways- 55 pesos each
invites- 45 pesos
card invites- 6 pesos each
misallete- 30 pesos

WEDDING PACKAGE C - 9,000 pesos

1. event planning
*facilitate entourage at church.
*facilitate reception program
*coordinates with the caterer regarding physical arrangements
* 1 song number at church and 1 song number at reception

2. 30 pieces customized wedding invites ( SET C)
3. 15 pieces card invites
4. 50 pieces giveawys ( SET C)
5. 15 pieces misallete
6. 3 tier themed wedding cake

- Add ons -
giveaways- 60 pesos each
invites- 50 pesos each
crd invites- 7 pesos each
misallete- 30 pesos each

-Special add ons-

* Dessert table buffet - 3,500 pesos
* Fountain Drinks - 3,000 pesos
* Chocolate Foumtain- 3, 500 pesos
* Framed Crosstich wedding photo - price depends on size
special design giveaways  are priced differently. Order as request by client only.